Invited Sessions

IDWSDS is comprised of invited sessions, submitted from all around the world.

Invited sessions for the 2024 International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science will be chosen by the organizing committee. Anyone can submit a session proposal but it needs to be selected by the committee before it is officially part of the program.

Each invited session typically consists of 3-4 speakers/panelists, and is 1 hour in length. Sessions outside of this format may still be considered for inclusion as the schedule allows. Invited session proposals must be submitted by August 15, 2024. Acceptance of invited sessions will be determined by August 30, 2024. Please contact for any questions regarding your proposal.

Invited Sessions at this year’s IDWSDS will also have the opportunity to submit a paper on their topic for a special issue of the Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. (Tentative schedule: Paper submission by 2/15/2025. Acceptance will be announced Summer 2025 for a Fall Special Issue).

If you are organizing a session please use the form below to create an account. This will give you access to the session proposal form and allow you to updated your sessions as needed. We ask that you provide all program material with your session proposal, including speaker bios, pictures, talk titles, and abstracts.

Organizer Registration
